オーガニックなたべものと暮らしを提案 石川県金沢市の宅配と店舗販売のお店

Order Form

Order Form

You can order products with this order form. Be sure to fill in the product numbers, product names (if possible) and quantities correctly.
Check the box for the delivery day of the week (Tue, Wed, Thur, or Fri), and confirm the delivery week of the month.

Members who receive orders on Tuesday or Wednesday must send an order form by 1:00 pm on Wednesday and members who receive orders on Thursday or Friday must send it by 1:00 pm on Friday. When we receive your orders, an automatic reply for the order arrival will be sent to you. However, when your order form is sent later than the deadline, we may inform you that some of orders are not accepted.

Before sending your orders, please confirm them carefully.

Please fill in the following without fail.

Order Entry Screen

    Membership numbe



    Delivery day of the week


    Delivery week of the month


    ※Be sure to enter the product numbers and quantity correctly. Before sending the order form, please confirm it carefully.

    Product No.

    Product Name (if possible)


    Confirm your order, and if it is OK, check the box for [Yes], and click the [Transfer] button.

    ※When you order more than 20 items, please use two or more sheets.

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